<aside> <img src="/icons/flash_gray.svg" alt="/icons/flash_gray.svg" width="40px" /> In this lesson, you will…

  1. Define absolute monarchy
  2. Understand how Louis XIV changed France during his reign
  3. Examine Westernization and Peter the Great.

Big Question: How do absolute monarchs exercise their power, and how do they justify it?


By the end of the Renaissance, a significant shift in governance occurred in Europe, where numerous nations witnessed the rise of absolute monarchs, who held unparalleled power and authority over their territories. The emergence of these rulers marked a pivotal turning point in European history, as they centralized power and established a new era of centralized governance.

Absolute means complete or total

A monarch is a head of state, such as a king or queen.

Absolute Monarchy is a government in which one king holds all the power within a country

These absolute monarchs wielded complete control over the political, social, and economic aspects of their nations, dictating policies, making key decisions, and shaping the future of their respective countries.

Absolute Monarchs typically subscribed to a concept widely recognized as Divine Right, which asserted that the authority of the monarchy originated from a divine source.


According to this belief, the king held the responsibility to answer solely to God, thereby bypassing any accountability to the people.

An excerpt from Bishop Jaques Bousset’s Political Treatise

King Louis XIV


Louis XIV, also known as Louis the Great, ruled France for 72 years, making him the epitome of an Absolute Monarch.

Louis XIV firmly held the belief that he personally embodied the entire government. This self-perception was so strong that he famously proclaimed, “L’etat c’est moi” - meaning "I am the state" - asserting his absolute authority.

Moreover, Louis XIV proudly referred to himself as the “Sun King,” drawing a metaphorical parallel between himself and the sun. This analogy symbolized his conviction that all power within France emanated exclusively from him, much like the radiance of the sun illuminates the world.

The Positive Effects of Louis’ Reign

<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark-outline_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark-outline_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Mercantilism is a national economic policy that is designed to maximize exports (leaving mother country) and minimize imports (coming into mother country).


The Negative Effects

He involved France in several costly military campaigns that ultimately ended in failure, resulting in an overwhelming amount of debt for the country.

Furthermore, in an effort to exalt himself and showcase his power, he embarked on an ambitious project to build an opulent and grandiose palace known as Versailles, located just outside the city of Paris.

The Palace at Versailles

Louis XIV implemented a unique strategy to maintain control over the powerful nobles of France. He not only required them to live with him in the opulent Versailles palace complex, but also imposed a strict schedule and dress code upon them.

By bringing the nobles into close proximity and subjecting them to his authority, Louis XIV effectively choked any potential rebellions. This calculated move allowed him to exert his dominance and solidify his power over the aristocracy, ensuring stability and order in his kingdom.