Part 1 – Degrees of Uncertainty Documentary

1a. What data tools are used in the video to measure climate change?

Climate science such as temperature data over time.

1b. How are these similar to the data we use in our classroom?

We also use graphs to interpret data over time.

  1. What effects did glacial ice have on the Earth’s land area at least 16,000 years ago?

Sea levels were lower, and more land was exposed.

  1. Why might scientist use a ‘margin of error?’

To express that there may be uncertainty in the data.

  1. What effects do the various Earth-Sun patterns have on the climate?

The Earth’s tilt affects the climate and gives us seasons. A slight change in the tilt of the Earth’s axis has a major change in the Earth’s climate.

  1. How should we use climate models?

To speculate as to what the future might look like and to make informed policy decisions

Part 2 - What Three Degrees of Global Warming Looks Like

  1. Who would be affected by a rise in global temperatures by 3 degrees?

Mostly poor countries, but most likely everyone.

  1. Describe the effects of drought on small scale farmers.