Economic Indicators

Economic indicators include measures about an economy, its stability, and whether it is expanding or contracting.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Definition: the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year.

If this number goes up, we are making and selling more stuff and the economy is growing.

GDP per capita is GDP per working-age person and is a better indicator

GDP or GDP per capita?

Compare the GDP of the US and China and you can see the problems with GDP vs GDP per capita.

United States China (PRC)
Population 333 million 1.4 billion
2022 GDP $25 billion $18 billion
GDP per capita $75,180 $12,970

You can see with the chart above that China’s population is doing alot of the work to increase the GDP of the country.

Employment Rate

Definition: measures the proportion of a country's working age population that is employed

If the employment rate goes down, then less people have jobs, which means that they have less money to spend.

A sharp downturn in employment could start a deadly cycle of businesses closing and people losing jobs.

Consumer Prices

Definition: prices paid by typical consumers for retail goods and other items

High prices mean less people will buy things and the economy slows down.


Definition: the difference in value between a country's imports and exports.