<aside> 📖 From this lesson, you must know…

  1. Explain the factors that drive companies to outsource jobs and processes
  2. Explain the positive and negative impacts of outsourcing on workers and communities </aside>

Definition: Multinational Corporations - A multinational company (MNC) is a company that operates in more that one country.

Definition: Outsourcing - Setting up businesses abroad to produce parts and products for domestic use or sale

For example, Microsoft is an American company with a large presence in the United States. However, Microsoft manufactures electronics in 🇨🇳 China, develops software in 🇪🇺 Europe, and runs servers in 🇭🇰 Hong Kong.

Which factors of globalization makes outsourcing possible?

Mobile labor market - Workers and students moving around means that people from less developed countries can move for new job opportunities.

International trade - The establishment of a global system for trade enables goods and services to cross borders.

What motivates companies to outsource?

What are the positives of outsourcing?

What are the negatives of outsourcing?
