This letter was written by Ignatius of Loyola in response to two letters he received by Father Fulvio Androzzi, a Jesuit. In this letter, Ignatius offers Father Androzzi advice on how to prepare meaningful sermons in the face of a very busy schedule.
Rome, July 18, 1556
The peace of Christ,
We have two letters from our reverence, one dated the 20h of last month, and the other dated the fourth of his month. We rejoice in our Lord on the occasions which His goodness allows you to serve Him . . . However, if little time is left for you to prepare your sermons, Christ our Lord will supply that defect. But throughout the day things might be so arranged as to give you more time, if more time is necessary, for one thing rather than for another. The good disposition and devotion of your patrons [the people you serve] will be a great help to you in setting to order what should be better arranged . . .
Your reverence knows that there is one outstanding means among those which of their nature are helpful to men. I mean the Exercises.*
<aside> <img src="/icons/help-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/help-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> *Refers to the Spiritual Exercises, a book written by Ignatius of Loyola, that laid out plans for meditation, prayer, and study.
I remind you, therefore, that you should make use of this weapon, which is such a familiar part of the Society. . . . Your reverence should look about to see whether you can find some good prospects for the Lord’s service, for whom there is no better way than the one I have indicated. The frequent reception of the sacraments is usually of much help to this end.
If you are very busy, you should make a choice and employ yourself in the more important occupations where there is greater service of God, greater spiritual advantage for the neighbor, and the ore general or perfect good. Keeping a little time to put order in yourself and your activities will be of considerable help to you in this respect. . . .
<aside> <img src="/icons/bookmark-outline_gray.svg" alt="/icons/bookmark-outline_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Modified for length, content, and reading level by teacher from Introduction likewise modified by teacher from the same source.