Project due on Friday, 10 May.

Learning Objective. Students will draw connections between major historical figures, issues, and trends and the events they studied in class.

Partners. You may work with one partner on your presentation. You must have evidence that you both contributed to your project. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Please note that you may work individually on the project and may be provided extra time depending on your topic.

Topic. You will be researching a topic that interests you, but we did not talk about in detail. You are permitted to select any topic from any era of history. Your topic cannot be immediately related to American culture, politics, or history.

You should consider your topic’s relevance to world history or current events, personal/cultural significance, scope and magnitude, and complexity/depth.

Some topic ideas include:

Historical Figures Trends Events
Fidel Castro (Cuba)
Mohammad Mosaddegh (Iran) Pandemics
Japan after World War II Filipino Decolonization
The Crusades

Your topic should be approved by your teacher by Tuesday, 7 May.

Research Objectives. Your research should investigate the origins/upbringing of your topic, a timeline of major events, relevant information such as ideology and/or influences, and contribution to world history.

Reflection. Your presentation should include a reflection on why you picked that topic and its significance to world history.

Presentation. Presentations are not required as part of this project. Your presentation can take the form of a PowerPoint with narration, video, or podcast. Examples include podcasts such as Stuff You Missed in History Class, Throughline, or The Rest is History.

Sources. Your research should include at least three sources, such as a book, documentary, podcast, or article. Your research does not have to be cited in a works cited, but you should be able to tell me where your information came from. Again, plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Rubric. You may use the rubric below to see how your project will be graded:

Grade Category Excellent Needs Improvement Points
Topic Student(s) considered their topic’s depth and relevance to world history. Student(s) did not make an effort to find and research a research topic relevant to world history or does not follow the guidelines provided. 20
Research Student(s) demonstrate a depth of understanding and included primary sources to back up claims. Student(s) only provided a surface understanding of their topic and cannot provide sources. 30
Content Knowledge Student(s) connected their topic to their knowledge of world history and can explain its significance. Student(s) cannot identify the topic’s significance to world history. 25
Reflection Student(s) provided their rationale for their topic choice and show interest in their topic. Student(s) did not provide a reflection for their topic. 25

| Presentation

Daily grade Presentation shows creative effort and consideration to neatness/quality. Students made accompanying content. Presentation does not include pictures and videos, students did not consider the neatness of their presentation or made an extra materials. 100