Q1. Where were the two 1912 expedition teams from? When did the Antarctic winter begin?
Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian explorer, was the leader of his team, while Robert Falcon Scott was the leader of the British team. Their race to the South Pole during the early 1900s is now considered one of the most famous expeditions in history. Despite their success, the journey back was still difficult, as the Antarctic winter typically begins in May, making the trip back to civilization a daunting task.
Q2. What did the Scott Expedition use to reach the South Pole?
The Scott Expedition used horses to cross the Ross Ice Shelf. Once they reached the mainland, they euthanized the horses and continued the expedition on foot.
Q3. What did Amundsen and the Norwegian team use to reach the South Pole?
The Amundsen Expedition used dog sleds and a shorter, previously unknown route to reach the South Pole. This approach was more effective than Scott’s expedition because the dogs were better suited to the cold weather and difficult terrain.
Q4. Who reached the South Pole first and how much time did they beat the other team by?
Amundsen beat Scott to the South Pole by over a month. Amundsen arrived on 14 December 1911. Scott arrived on 17 January 1912.
Q5. Who much time did the British team have to return to their base camp? What actually happened?
Scott's Expedition had predicted they had three months to return to their base camp on the Ross Ice Shelf before the Antarctic Winter set in. However, 1912 was an anomaly in that winter temperatures began much earlier than expected. As a result, all members of Scott's expedition died of exposure.